New Mexico

Erotic, Sensual, Tantra and Therapeutic Massage


Male massage & gay massageEnjoy a classic relaxing tonic and sports massage
Hello everybody. I would like to invite you to a classic relaxing tonic and sports massage. I have more than 6 years of experience and studied on masseur in Italy. I use several massage techniques which allow to maximize work on deep tissue and relieve fatigue and muscle pain. ...Massage Profile
I booked Cooper last night for 60 minutes and it was incredible. When he arrived at my place I could... More massage review
What a great massage by a handsome well-equipped masseur. The experience is probably the best therapeutic/tantric massage I have experienced.... More massage review

gay massage & male massage

cooper Santa Fe

InCall: $200
OutCall: $300


New York, NYHighly skilled M4m bodyworks
Treat yourself to a unique experience in ultimate relaxation. Sessions combine multiple modalities, tailored to each individual's specific needs. Sensual and healing. Strong yet gentle, intuitive hands kneading away accumulated stress. Soothing soundscapes and gentle aromatherapy creating the ultimate ambiance for the deepest states of relaxation Give yourself a break. Take a 60 or 90 minute vacation without...Massage Profile
Specialized in : Relaxation massage

Gay massage

Jared Taos

InCall: ask me
OutCall: ask me

Massage types in New Mexico:
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